
Pallavi Dhawan is a writer and lawyer living in Los Angeles. She received her Bachelor of Arts in political science and international relations as well as her Juris Doctor from University of California, Los Angeles. She received her MFA in creative writing from Antioch University. She is an alumna of VONA/Voices, the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley, and Hedgebrook. She is working on her first novel.

Tamika Thompson is a writer, producer, and journalist. She is author of Unshod, Cackling, and Naked , which Publishers Weekly calls “powerful,” “unsettling,” and “terrifying,” as well as author of Salamander Justice. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in several speculative fiction anthologies as well as in Interzone, Prairie Schooner, The New York Times, Los Angeles Review of Books, and Chicago Review of Books, among others. You can find her online at tamikathompson.com.